Friday, January 17, 2014

The Frat House Sports Show #124

Another week of sports; another week for us to analyze, break-down, opinionate, and poke fun at everything sports and we’re not wasting time as we go at New York Yankees Alex Rodriguezand . . . oops, what went wrong with the NFL’s concussion class-action settlement? Hey . . . it’s time for our mid-season NHLReport Card with Uncle Mark. “4 Minutes” brings us the Wizard of Oz known as Ken Whisenhunt; a violation on the hypocrisy of Boston; and, what’s wrong with $8 pants? THEN . . . the “football gods have smiled on us” as we pick the Conference Championship games between the New England Patriots-Denver Broncos & San Francisco 49ers-Seattle Seahawks. Check it out once . . . twice . . . then repost it . . . and share “The House” with all your friends and family and get them to come back weekly . . . and “Like” their Facebook page at Frat House Sports!

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