Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Five Minutes at The Frat House #98

Sorry for the LONG delay (thanks to issues with YouTube), but . . . here you go . . . It’s a hot, hot, hot 98 degreed 98th edition of “Five Minutes at The Frat House” with “Frat House Mike” annnnnndd . . . Sidekick . . . and, you might think there’s not much in the sports world to talk about. Oh yeah? How about the latest NASCAR race at New Hampshire Motor Speedway? . . . Le Tour De France? . . . the MLB All-Star Game? . . . oh, and don’t forget Mike’s All-Star “Screwy Stories.” Check it out once . . . twice . . . then repost it . . . and share “The House” with all your friends and family and get them to come back weekly . . . and “Like” our Facebook page at Frat House Sports! ~ Mike


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