Friday, July 26, 2013

Five Minutes at The Frat House #99

Just in time for the weekend, our 99th episode has been posted! This week we talk Le Tour De FranceNASCAR, and MLB! We also delve into the BioGenesis debacle and Ryan Braun's suspension. NBC just inked a 10 yr deal with NASCAR and Michael has this week's screwball stories from around the MLB! Give it a listen and give it a share! Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Five Minutes at The Frat House #98

Sorry for the LONG delay (thanks to issues with YouTube), but . . . here you go . . . It’s a hot, hot, hot 98 degreed 98th edition of “Five Minutes at The Frat House” with “Frat House Mike” annnnnndd . . . Sidekick . . . and, you might think there’s not much in the sports world to talk about. Oh yeah? How about the latest NASCAR race at New Hampshire Motor Speedway? . . . Le Tour De France? . . . the MLB All-Star Game? . . . oh, and don’t forget Mike’s All-Star “Screwy Stories.” Check it out once . . . twice . . . then repost it . . . and share “The House” with all your friends and family and get them to come back weekly . . . and “Like” our Facebook page at Frat House Sports! ~ Mike

Friday, July 5, 2013

Five Minutes at The Frat House #96

Here ya Go...You've found your way BACK to the House of All-American Activities with this week's Five Minutes at The Frat House with "Frat House Mike" & Sidekick (coming to you ON a special July 4 broadcast)!!

Hot on the Barbecue this week: NHRA Leader bites, sizzling NASCARcontention "Stakes" (the biggest "moo-vers" to Prime Rib, the biggest losers, stick a fork-in-'em, they're done). Of course MLB is heating up approaching All-Star Game Night and Hot-diggity-Dog, they have some "screwy stories" (be sure to try the Roasted Ramirez, it's "out-of-sight"). much more....Sidekick wants to FINally talk NHL S'mores now, in July? (Drink) This one is a Party, it's a Clambake, it's a RIOT!

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