Friday, December 21, 2012

Five Minutes at The Frat House #68

“Five Minutes at The Frat House #68” just so happens to coincide with our “pre-Mayan Apocalypse” and our pre-Christmas show! What are two sports guys like “Frat House Mike” & Sidekick to do? Ahhh . . . talk SPORTS, like . . . “duh” . . . and recognize our Sports “Christmas Miracles” of 2012. Sidekick’s choice is just . . . speechless. Mike’s will have you making a face. Then it’s on to games that WILL have an impact on the NFL playoffs (with a “heavy dose of the NFC East) and it’s possible Mike just may make a dent in Sidekick’s picks lead among these: Cincinnati Bengals-The Pittsburgh Steelers; New Orleans Saints-Dallas Cowboys; Washington Redskins-Philadelphia Eagles; and, New York Giants-Baltimore Ravens. (BTW . . . let’s see how many pick-up our subtle tribute to the child victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre – it’s at the very end!) Check it out once . . . twice . . . repost it . . . share at the Christmas parties . . . help make a “Christmas Miracle” and, . . . be sure to get out and “Like” our Facebook page at The Frat House-Eagleville! Merry Christmas to all!

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