Saturday, November 17, 2012

Five Minutes at The Frat House #63

Are you ready for some controversy? You’ve got it on this week’s episode of “Five Minutes at The Frat House” with “Frat House Mike” & Sidekick, THE MOST CONSISTENT weekly sports-talk show! This week, we wrap-up the NHRA Championships; and, then take a look at the mess that was NASCAR’s Chase race #9 at Phoenix where Clint Bowyer changed the concept of the “Chase.” Then it’s over to a little MLB “hot stove” chat . . . “BALDERDASH” this wasn’t a chat – it’s a full-blown rant about the Miami Marlins! How close will Mike & Sidekick be this week on their NFL picks from these: Green Bay Packers-Lions; Colts-New England Patriots; Ravens-The Pittsburgh Steelers; and, Bears-San Francisco 49ers! You gotta’ check it out not once – BUT twice –THEN you gotta’ share it with your friends at work . . . AND post to all your FB friends . . . & VISIT our Facebook page at The Frat House-Eagleville and “Like” for ALL their daily updates of sports across the country EVERY day!

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