Monday, February 10, 2014

The Frat House Sports Show #127

We’re coming to you a few days late and trust me, “we’re madder than hell” about it . . . as you’ll see! But, make no mistake, we ARE the MOST consistent sports-talk show on the Internet . . . “mopping up” the conclusion of the NFL season with our Seattle Seahawks-Denver BroncosSuper Bowl wrap-up. We welcome the Sochi 2014 Winter Games and wonder out loud about their appeal. Then it’s one to our rants. Sidekick has a few words for St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke. Uncle Mark is sick of “poor sports”; and, Frat House Mike goes after one his favorite whipping boys, NCAA collegiate sports! This one is different – unscripted – relaxed (?) – and, just plain fun! Check it out once . . . twice . . . then repost it . . . and share “The House” with all your friends and family and get them to come back weekly . . . and “Like” their Facebook page atFrat House Sports!