Thursday, August 29, 2013

Five Minutes at The Frat House #103

If you ain't napping yet for the night, check out the most-consistent YouTube sports show at 103 weeks!

Monday, August 19, 2013

No “dog days of summer” here on the 102nd edition of “Five Minutes at The Frat House” with “Frat House Mike” annnnnndd . . . Sidekick . . . as they break down the results from last week’s NASCAR race at Watkins Glen International plus looking ahead to next season as the merry-go-round of drivers begins affecting Ryan NewmanMark Martin, and Juan Pablo Montoya. Who’ll be next? They’re talking NFL football as well, but just for “4 Minutes”: Donovan McNabb, HGH-testing, and could the AFC East be up for grabs? Finally, the “Manny (Manny Ramirez Watch” is back on . . . find out what comes next in this ongoing saga. Check it out once . . . twice . . . then repost it . . . and share “The House” with all your friends and family and get them to come back weekly . . . and “Like” their Facebook page at Frat House Sports

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Five Minutes at The Frat House #100

If you haven't checked out our annual and very popular all-NFLPre-Season Round-Table version of "Five Minutes at The Frat House #100", now is the time! Tune in and enjoy, and be sure to "Like" our Frat House Sports Facebook page!